Monday, December 20, 2010

First Draft

I have never done a "Research Paper". My writing has always been informal and more personal, so this is new for me. I find it hard to focus on what information I want in this paper. My thesis statement is still a work in progress but it is coming alone. Like I stated before my topic is on stem cell research and I hope I did not bite off more than I can chew. This is a very controversial topic and there are several articles on the subject. What I have so far is leading me in the right direction but I still need to edit before I turn in the final draft. I will use the Writing Center to review my final paper before I submit it and I think that feedback will help. Wish Me Luck.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Research Papers

I am having a hard time focusing on writing this paper on Stem Cell Research. There is so much information and so many articles on this topic it is hard to choose which ones to use to help me. I guess I just have to figure out which ones are more geared to the point I am trying to make. Stem Cell research has been the source of a lot of controversy. Everyone has an opinion as to the moral and ethical sides of it. Science has come a long way with stem cells but the journey is far from over. Wish me luck on reeling it in and getting a good grade.

Friday, December 3, 2010


What would you do if someone used something you created without giving you credit?

I had this happen to me once. I love to write poetry and I sometimes share with friends what I write. One day when I was in school, I wrote a poem about losing someone I loved and shared it with a classmate I thought was my friend. She loved it and told me to enter it into a writing contest that the school was having. I said no it was too personal for me to share it with the whole school. She took it out of my book one day, submitted it to the contest under her name, and won 1st place. She did not give me any credit in the post, so when I went to the teacher that sponsored the contest I had to prove that it was my original work. All was corrected in the end and she was punished and made to post an apology to me in the school paper. That was my first taste of plagiarism. It is important to give credit when you use someone else’s work or ideas because you can get into legal trouble if you do not.